

Many people are afraid to have keratin done because they saw a lot of bad examples. But it’s not because of bad product rather it’s being awkwardly used by unskilled specialists! In each work, you must have experience and training.

2 февраля 2017

I want to introduce you perhaps my best example of keratin hair straightening. My client's name is Christina, and we have been doing keratin hair straightening for many years, thanks to which we also managed to grow long hair. What does it have to do with keratin straightening, you ask! Everything is easily explicable: when the hair is straight, we do not have to force it to dry it up each time pulling with brushes and irons which significantly exhausts the hair, leaving it badly broken and it does not grow. And thanks to the keratin, we release the hair from the daily torture and are able to grow it carefully. What I am very pleased with is Christine’s adhering to all my recommendations: repeating the procedure well-timed, about once in half a year, using sulfate-free shampoos, due to which keratin effect gets longer.

Many people are afraid to have keratin done because they saw a lot of bad examples. But it’s not because of bad product rather it’s being awkwardly used by unskilled specialists! In each work, you must have experience and training.

What else is convenient? The hair can be curled and keratin won’t prevent it. Christina often has her hair curled by me and such a hairdo lasts long! We have shown an example of the hairdo.