Style is an attribute of individuality determined by its distinctive features. And everyone creates his own style himself.
However, one cannot always cope with the challenge alone. The occupation of a stylist must help intelligently reveal all the depth and beauty of a person. And to do this, a stylist is important to have a broad knowledge in the field of style, history of costume, accessories and, of course, hairstyles that will allow him to create an infinite variety of unique styles along with his customers.
In this section we will analyze and discuss different styles, their peculiarities, history. It will be very interesting! Join! Catch the spirit!
After a long break, we renew our project with a young participant named Ivan. And today I want to demonstrate CHANGE by means of the hair only. This is the rare case when the subtle nuances drastically change the impression of a person.
IvanHello! Today we have prepared the New Year release of “Change” project, and our guest’s name is Ella. Ella turned to us with a request to change herself by means of shorter haircut, but this idea seemed to me not perfect enough. In this case, long hair for such a young girl is real wealth, and I allowed myself to insist on keeping the length. For several reasons. First, a short haircut requires more attention to care, and Ella has not got such experience. So here she could be trapped by the real styling difficulties and frustrations. In fact, there was no need in the haircut in terms of proportion, style and harmony.
EllaToday our guest is Anna. Anna asked us to help her choose an image for her new job, namely, a hostess in a nightclub, that is, the entertainment industry. For Anna, this is the first experience in such a field, and she approached the issue very carefully and responsibly: after all, this work involves a lot of communication with different people, and as for the appearance, it plays a significant role here.
AnnaWe introduce you the participant of our project: meet Eva. Eva is having a date with a young man, and then they are going to a nightclub together. Eva asked us to color her hair and find a charming, passionate and youthful image for her to have a date and go out to the club.
EvaOur today's guest is called Kate. And Kate was going to a party with her friends, but since Kate works hard and is very passionate about her work, she could not cope with her image herself! Therefore, she reached out to us to help her delicately prepare for this event. I immediately imagined the film "Sex and the City", the images of which inspired me: free and very attractive heroines.
KateOur guest asked us to change her hairstyle, but not very drastically. In general, her own style suited her but she was frankly bored with her hair. Lesya has got curly hair and, with the previous shape, her hair looked a bit heavy. So I thought that it was necessary to do something opposite, new and unusual in the hairstyle for Lesya. After talking to her, I came up with the idea of Yuppie's style: here you can straighten your hair, and exaggerate Lesya’s style, make it more pronounced without losing herself.
LesyaTogether with Tatiana Vinnychenko, a photographer with whom I have been successfully working for many years, we have established a project called CHANGE that gives women joy. The purpose of our project is to demonstrate how much you can change a woman with style and modern technology, give her self-confidence, fill with positive emotions, and show that to be beautiful is the privilege of every woman.
The project bringing joyScrunchie has become the main fashion accessory in 2018. Fashion houses such as Balenciaga, Gucci and Maison Cléo unexpectedly presented their new fashion show collections with the use of large, fabric elastic bands – scrunchies – in a wide variety of images and styles - rock, gingham, hipster, etc.
ScrunchiesThe world has missed the 80s and is happy to accept this trend. Broad shoulders, batwing sleeves, large square glasses, tights in grid and stars, wide belts, large plastic jewelry, gold, athletic figures, HLS style, oversize, labelomania, exorbitance in everything!The 80s were the beginning of a new era – a widespread fascination with fitness, new brands Nike, Reebok caught up the whole world with bright colors! Sexual emancipation, new technologies in all spheres – this was the time of the most striking changes!
The 80sR&B style originates from the musical flow of rhythm and blues - the music of dark-skinned people from America, in the 1940s. And the modern name of R&B was formed around the 80s as a result of the merger of two musical styles - hip hop and rhythm-n-blues, which gave birth to a whole subculture. Today, the main feature of the style is a pronounced sexuality, ample curves, the desire for luxury and glamor. There’s passion for openly sexy clothes, short tops, combos, embroidered with sequins and, of course, tattoos!
R&BGrunge style takes its roots in America in the 90s. Created as most subcultures by musical trends, people who deny and ignore generally accepted rules, the look of this style represented antiglamorous, antifashionable character. The silhouette initially had a more modest, chaotic and untidy appearance, untill thanks to Marc Jacobs’s good graces it entered the runways, which was a total surprise to the public.
GrungeTime, fashion, generations change and through history, not losing its significance, reaching our time, Crown Braid Hairstyle continues filling already modern image with solid self-confidence and clarity as it was in the Victorian era.
Crown Braid HairstyleOn New Year’s Eve I would like to start with the Art Deco style which has become an inexhaustible source of inspiration well-loved by fashion designers of all generations.
Art Deco