Hello! I am glad to inform you that I have been doing my favorite thing for most of my life, and I have never doubted the correctness of my chosen profession. With great pleasure I study various techniques of haircuts, hair coloring, evening hairstyles, image design, style, fashion history and art, so that I can more interestingly embody my ideas and help my clients feel more confident, conveying the impression that I would like to make by means of style.
Many years of practice and experience have opened up many possibilities for me, thanks to which I can diversify the images I create. And furthermore! I consider my invaluable experience in creating technologies in maintaining hair health to be an important achievement of mine! That is why I am ready to share my knowledge, developments and technologies with both clients and colleagues!
I hope that on my site you can learn a lot for yourself and learn more about me. I will also be happy to share my experience if my site is of interest to professionals!